Whenever I talk about using direct mail for marketing to your prospects and customers, some wise guy usually pops up and says …
“Everyone knows direct mail is dead. We switched to email years ago, and it has worked great.”
My response?
Of course, email worked great back when you switched.
But have you looked at it today?
Listen, I could quote him (and you) statistics on how direct mail is more effective today than ever.
I could tell you about how some marketers are seeing dramatically higher response to their direct mail than in the 1980s.
I could tell you that higher-income households (those earning $65K per year or more) respond today to direct mail in higher numbers than we saw back in the pre-internet days of 1987.
I could tell you fact after statistic after survey that shows direct mail is kicking butt right now.
But when it comes to debating the merits of email vs. direct mail.
Sometimes, a picture is worth a thousand statistics:

(Thanks to Victor at Poofytoo for the picture.)
Zairmail (www.zairmail.com) is the fastest and easiest way to send (real) postal mail. Give us a call anytime at 888.898.0066, we would be happy to help with your direct mail needs.