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Direct Mail Journal

Direct Mail and Marketing Tips

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Reach eCommerce Customers At Their Door

eCommerce customers, who have purchased a product or service, provide a wealth of value in addition to sales revenue. They have often responded to a specific promotion or product search. This can tell us which promotions are working and which keywords are the most valuable. They have also validated the value proposition for the product or service just by placing their order.

They may have signed up for a newsletter or other periodic communication from the company or strategic partners. This allows the company to stay connected, continue building rapport, and to market important new offerings. The customer contact information, and related demographic details captured with the order, can help understand target verticals and high-value clusters for future campaigns/promotions. Existing customers can also help build social media communities and provide referrals digitally by sharing and engaging with the brand’s digital content.

It is often assumed that customers who arrived at a website through a Google search or an email newsletter are 100% digital. However, even these customers have a physical presence. Reaching out pro-actively with a physical direct mail campaign (written message) is a powerful way to re-enforce that relationship and provide an avenue to upsell new offerings in the future.

Collating the Contacts

The first step is to create a list of eCommerce contacts that can be used for mail outreach. This requires that each record has a physical mailing address. If the product was physically shipped to the customer, then we should already have this information. If we used digital fulfillment, then more work might be required to gather this information. The best practice is always to capture a physical address and phone number with each order even if fulfillment will digital.

The list can be segmented based on specific verticals, interests, or customer needs. This will depend on the product or service being offered. This will allow us to send more personalized content to this audience – personalization often increases engagement and response rates.

This type of segmentation can also help us anticipate future needs. A family expecting a child might purchase a crib in preparation for their new arrival. Six months later, that family might need a highchair. In another six months, they might need a walker. Understanding this dynamic, and the stage of the customer, will allow us to map timely offers to their needs as they emerge.

The exported and segmented lists should be imported into a direct mail system. This will make sure that they are ready to be used with specific campaigns. Automated direct mail tools, such as Zairmail (www.zairmail.com), allow segmented lists, and related campaigns, to be uploaded and stored. Zairmail also maintains a complete record the campaigns sent to each list.

Choosing the Type of Mail

A very effective follow-up mail format for eCommerce customers is postcards. Postcards are cost-effective, high-impact, and allow striking images and messages to do all the hard work. They are also low effort on the part of the recipient – the message can be clearly shared with just a quick view and/or read. Zairmail offers postcards in standard, jumbo, or sumo size. Thanks to recent postal rule (rate) changes a jumbo postcard just costs slightly more than a standard postcard. The extra space can be well worth the small extra investment. There are also options to send postcards in envelopes which can be effective during holidays.

We recommend reading ‘How to Pack More Punch with Postcards’ to get the most out of a postcard campaign. Here we’ve highlighted the importance of keeping branding consistent and how to choose a message. The team at Zairmail is always on hand to assist with messaging, design, and lists for clients who would like more guidance.

Link it Back to Digital

Online customers appreciate the right blend of online and offline contact. Direct mail contact should still clearly refer back to the website and social properties. A QR code can help make this even easier by allowing customer to scan a link on their phone and visit online properties.

A brand-specific hashtag can sometimes help with online community engagement. There might be a number of events/activities of interest in an online community – like an upcoming competition or giveaway on Instagram. Remember to post any company changes, or significant achievements, that build credibility for the company and value for the eCommerce customer.

Keep in mint that not all follow-up mail campaigns need to revolve around a specific upsell or promotion. Often, we can use mail just to re-enforce our relationship. Chewy, the online pet medication company, sends physical holiday cards and birthday cards to the pets it serves (addressed to the owners). This re-enforces the brand, builds a sense of caring (reciprocity), and makes people smile. It is hard to put a value, or calculate an RoI, on the type of goodwill generated by campaigns such as these. Ultimately, it boils down to building a more personal (human) connection, with online customers, to build brand value and a sense of authenticity.

Zairmail (www.zairmail.com) is the fastest and easiest way to send (real) postal mail. Give us a call anytime at 888.898.0066, we would be happy to help with your direct mail needs.

The Truth About Direct Mail in a Digital World

The Truth About Direct Mail in a Digital World

We live in an increasingly digital world. It seems only fair to ask, in a world bursting at the seams with digital content, do consumers still prefer to receive physical mail?

Research confirms that 81% of consumers prefer to receive mail at their home address. Consumers are bombarded with digital messaging 24 x 7 – email, banners, video, social media… – these days the ads can even follow consumers around and stalk them as they browse. Consumers still feel the pressure offline too – digital billboards, contextual video, electronic displays, water closet media – some airports even hold consumers captive in shelters, and broadcast ad content, while they are waiting for the bus in long-term parking.

The only escape for consumers is to block it out – ALL of it.

Direct mail allows the consumer to be in control. They can choose when they engage. The USPS often refers to the “mail moment”; the slice of happy time when consumers check the mailbox and see what surprises have arrived. The consumer can choose which pieces are opened, which receive immediate attention, and which ones are set aside for later. A direct mail piece can be touched/read 4.5 times after arrival. This level of control makes the mail less threatening and more comfortable for consumers.

Unlike digital media, direct mail is tactile/tangible and has the potential to build a physical connection with the consumer. It can also be personalized to build a tighter bond between the brand and the consumer. Seventy percent (70%) of consumers say mail makes them feel more valued. When customers feel more important, they are far more likely to engage with a brand, spread the message to others, and generate organic brand awareness – both online and offline.

A well-targeted and executed direct mail campaign can have an impact far beyond the immediate responses that are received. The clue is in the word… it’s “direct”. It does not have to be a generic ad that is indiscriminately shared with millions. It can be far more targeted, intimate, and special then that.

How can businesses benefit from this preference to break-through the digital noise?

There are several different types of direct mail formats that can be used. Selecting the right format for the audience, the objective, and the offer is an important first step.

Postcards can be an effective tool for simple messages that are easy to explain. Using an image and creative layout that “pops” can help break through the clutter and provide an immediate impression – like a targeted billboard in the mail. If the image/offer is memorable enough it can earn a spot on the fridge – which is the ultimate goal (and compliment)!

Traditional postcards may not be ideal if personal information must be included. Anything printed on a postcard is exposed to the world. The space is also limited, which limits the ability to explain complex topics/offers. The most popular postcard sizes are the standard postcard (4” x 6”), the jumbo postcard (6” x 9”), or the sumo postcard (5.5 x 11 or 8.5 x 11).

The standard postcard has long enjoyed a discount postage rate. The current price for postcard postage is $.40/piece, compared to $.58/piece for First-Class letter mail. The most recent postage increase (there were two in 2021), extended the discount postage for standard postcards to jumbo postcards. This means that a jumbo postcard can now be mailed for just slightly more than the cost of a standard postcard.

Postcards can also be inserted into an envelope and addressed for special occasions or during the holiday season. This technique can deliver holiday cheer to friends, family, and customers, for a tiny fraction of the cost of traditional greeting cards. The tactile/tangible nature of the card also makes it far more impactful than a digital greeting card.

When personal information is involved, or the offer is more complex, then a more traditional letter can be the best choice. The first challenge with letter mail is to get it opened. The best technique to get “an open” really depends on the audience.

Some mailers strive to make letters look more personal using a closed-face envelope with no windows, handwriting fonts, and/or a live postage stamp instead of an indicia. A postal indicia is a permit that can take the place of a stamp on pre-sorted mail. Pre-sorted mail is eligible for discounted postage rates. That means that even though using a “live” stamp can appear more personal, it does come at a cost – the mailer loses pre-sort discounts and has to incur the cost of placing a stamp on each letter.

A different approach is to make the letter look like a bill, so the recipient might be concerned about not opening it. With this type of mail, it is common to use a double window envelope, professional fonts, and a postal indicia. We can also add a teaser message to the outside (e.g., final notice, do not ignore, only to be opened by addressee, …) that makes the mail piece feel more official, urgent, or essential.

These techniques really represent opposite ends of a continuum. There are many different variations and techniques in between we can use to improve open rates. Of course, once the letter is opened, we still need a response to be successful.

A pressure-sealed mailer, often called a “snap-pack”, can also shield personal information just like a letter. Consumers often experience snap-packs when they receive a new PIN from their bank or a rebate from a consumer products company. The recipient tears off the edges before folding the mail piece open. Snap-packs are not as common, so they attract attention right away. They also have the feel of official communication, so consumers can be nervous about ignoring them – what if there is a PIN, rebate, or award inside?

The ultimate response rate of direct mail campaigns is also a function of the audience that we are addressing and how compelling an offer that we make. Coming up with a winning formula really requires testing and fine-tuning over time.

Based on the potential for direct mail, should digital really take a back seat?

Direct mail is one form of direct response marketing that uses physical mail. Direct response techniques can be used with multiple mediums (e.g., mail, email, television, radio…). These can all be effective promotional tools and do not have to be mutually exclusive. In fact, digital campaigns that include direct mail are 13% more likely to engage customers. Digital techniques should be used in combination with mail to boost returns. The question is not, “what is the right format/technique?”; the question should be, “what is the right mix of tools?”

In the digital age, automation can be a critical aspect of marketing campaigns. It allows us to plan in advance, map out the customer’s journey, and do more with less. The good news is that direct mail can be automated just like digital tools.

Automating mail campaigns creates a number of opportunities:

Campaigns are submitted faster with fewer errors

Campaigns are produced/mailed in a fraction of the time

Mail delivery is tracked automatically and integrated with response data

A complete (digital) history of campaigns, lists, and results is maintained

Response rates and sales results can be tracked in real-time

Small volume jobs (short runs) are no longer a challenge. This allows us to test additional concepts, more frequently, using smaller campaigns, to find winning formulas (efficiency).

Customers can respond online, offline, or in person – whatever is most comfortable. QR codes or URL’s/PIN’s can be used to link direct mail campaigns to online destinations.

The customer journey can be scripted with a pre-conceived and automated series of campaigns and touches. Sales programs become a well thought out “process” rather than a fortunate “event”.

The digital revolution has introduced new tools with new capabilities. Direct mail has a number of qualities that digital tools do not. The two can/should be combined to create campaigns that are more targeted, more effective, more measurable, and more predictable. Zairmail provides online tools that automate direct mail campaigns.

Zairmail is the fastest, easiest, and most cost-effective way to send mail.

Zairmail (www.zairmail.com) is the fastest and easiest way to send (real) postal mail. Give us a call anytime at 888.898.0066, we would be happy to help with your direct mail needs.

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentine’s Day,

The Super Bowl is over, the nachos and snacks are all gone, and the cheers (and groans) fade into the distance. Debate around the best commercials, as always, rages on. Some will shine bright as a symbolic reminder of a brand well-served; yet others will warn those who follow where not to tread.

One thing we know for sure, we cherish the opportunity to serve you.

Oh, and it won’t cost $5 million for each 30 second spot.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

We didn’t get you flowers, but 10% off direct mail orders this week should help!

Use promo code LoveU10.

Big Hugs, The Zairmail Team

Zairmail (www.zairmail.com) is the fastest and easiest way to send (real) postal mail. Give us a call anytime at 888.898.0066, we would be happy to help with your direct mail needs.

The Year of the Tiger

February Newsletter

Welcome to the Year of the Tiger.

The Cincinnati Bengals will meet the Los Angeles Rams in Super Bowl LVI (56). The two teams will square off on February 13 at SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles, CA. Punxsutawney Phil emerged from his tree stump on Wednesday (Groundhog Day) to see his shadow and predict six more weeks of winter. COVID lingers on as new variants threaten. Sabers continue to rattle on the eastern border that Ukraine shares with Russia. The XXIV Winter Olympic Games start today in Beijing…

This is already shaping up to be an interesting year.

There will be other challenges and surprises that emerge as the year unfolds.

So, as business professionals, what can we do? A lot of these events are out of our control.

In December, we talked about looking back on the year and taking stock. Did we hit our goals? If we didn’t, then we need to ask why? If we did, then we need to raise the bar. If we didn’t have goals, then we need to address that issue and create SMART goals for the new year.

This process of introspection is one half of the strategic planning process. We need to start out by performing an internal analysis. We need to identify the resources and capabilities that we have to work with. In particular, we want to identify core competencies – valuable capabilities that are unique to our organization. We also want to identify weaknesses that are unique to our organization.

The second part of the process is to perform an external analysis. An external analysis takes into account political, economic, sociocultural, technological, ecological, and legal undercurrents that impact the business environment. We opened this discussion by highlighting some current elements in the news – there are many more. This time of year, the Federal Reserve, and other business/trade organizations, publish forecasts for the year. This can be an important (and free) source of information.

The results of our internal analysis and external analysis come together in a SWOT analysis. We use the internal analysis to highlight our most important strengths and weaknesses. We use the results of our external analysis to highlight the most relevant opportunities and threats from the environment. This provides the foundation for a plan, that leverages our strengths (core competencies), plays away from our weaknesses, capitalizes on opportunities, while avoiding credible threats. The plan is then captured in a collection of SMART goals that can be used to guide our progress in the coming year.

You will find tips to help in this newsletter and in the Direct Mail Journal (www.directmailjournal.com).

You can be sure, that as your dedicated business partner, Zairmail (www.zairmail.com) will be here to help. Just reach out to us if there is anything we can do. Our business is based on your success. Harness the grace and power of the Tiger in 2022.

Does Storytelling Work for Postcard Campaigns?

Storytelling in marketing campaigns serves to better connect you with your customers. It works like any other human connection. Storytelling is a way to get to know a person better, in this case, it’s a way for customers to get to know your business. When a customer is truly invested in an organization, their loyalty is always with that brand and they feel a part of that community too. The strength of this cannot be underestimated! So how can you use storytelling in your direct mail postcard campaign and what are the general do’s and don’ts? 

New Opportunities for Growth

When you’ve reflected on your business performance from the previous year, done the math and looked for patterns in your finances, you’re ready to focus on new opportunities for growth. These are the simplest steps to successful strategic planning and we’re going to share a very easy tool that can help you with this area.

Zairmail (www.zairmail.com) is the fastest and easiest way to send (real) postal mail. Give us a call anytime at 888.898.0066, we would be happy to help with your direct mail needs.

December Newsletter

December Newsletter

The holidays are here everyone.

This is a busy time for most – a time to give, a time to celebrate, a time to reflect.

This has been a break-through year at Zairmail. We added to the team to better serve you. We released a new responsive interface, a desktop application, and lots of powerful new features. We set records for volume, turn-around, and reliability.

We have lots more in store for you in 2022 as well.

The thing we are most grateful about is that we get to serve you.

Thank you for the opportunity.

Please accept a big holiday hug from the whole Zairmail team!


Zairmail is the fastest, easiest, and most reliable way to send (postal) mail.

Planning for a Bright New Year

Holiday decorations are out on display, there is cheer in the air, and very soon over one billion people will tune-in to see the ball drop in Times Square. There are lots of distractions for business owners over the holidays – personal and professional. If your business is B to B, then December can be […]

Crate Escape from NYC

Charles McKinley stood penniless, hopeless, and in limbo in New York City. He had come to the northeast from Texas to experience the big city. His job in retail wouldn’t pay the bills, he was living beyond his means, and his girlfriend maxed out his credit cards. Charles was done with NYC and just wanted to go home – now. Still, how could he make the trip without money to travel. He was much too proud to ask others for a handout […]

Easy Ways to Integrate Digital & Direct Mail Marketing

Determining the right balance between digital and direct marketing can be a challenge for a lot of organizations. Issues can arise, when one form is seen as superior to the other, and half of the mix gets neglected. Businesses are now engaged in a very digital world – digital has become very comfortable.
It’s easy […]

Zairmail (www.zairmail.com) is the fastest and easiest way to send (real) postal mail. Give us a call anytime at 888.898.0066, we would be happy to help with your direct mail needs.

Crate Escape from NYC

Crate Escape from NYC

Charles McKinley stood penniless, hopeless, and in limbo in New York City. He had come to the northeast from Texas to experience the big city. His job in retail wouldn’t pay the bills, he was living beyond his means, and his girlfriend maxed out his credit cards. Charles was done with NYC and just wanted to go home – now. Still, how could he make the trip without money to travel. He was much too proud to ask others for a handout.

That is when Charles hit on a novel idea. He was walking by a church and saw a large create. He had spent some time working as a shipping clerk. He would just ship himself home to Texas. He had a UPS card that would let him pay-off the shipping fees over time.

McKinley called UPS and scheduled a pick-up at the church. Then he separated two loose-fitting boards of wood from the huge crate and wriggled inside head and shoulders first. He wrapped himself in a blanket to stay warm. The church was in a bustling area of Brooklyn, New York. Still, no one noticed the strange incident taking place just outside the church.

One hour later McKinley was lifted into a truck and swooped away to Newark airport by UPS. Fifteen hours and four flights later, McKinley was delivered to his parent’s address 1,500 miles away in DeSoto, Texas. He was very fortunate that he was shipped in a pressurized cargo hold – many are not, and that could have been the end for Charles.

Crate Escape from NYC

His parents were extremely happy to see him. On the other hand, the UPS driver and the DeSoto police were not as amused. Based on a call from the UPS driver, the DeSoto police arrested McKinley, and charged him with 10 felonies – mostly related to terrorism. His trip raised new concerns about cargo screening. McKinley, hidden in his crate, passed through security twice undetected.

On February 4, 2004, McKinley plead guilty to one charge of “misdemeanor stowaway” and was given four months’ house arrest and a fine of $1,500. The charges that were dropped carried a maximum sentence of 50 years and a fine of up to $100,000. McKinley’s Dad, a Chemical Engineer, also paid $7,000 in restitution to UPS.

It turns out this is a very expensive way to go from NYC to DeSoto that carries a lot of personal risk. Still, McKinley has taken his story on the road, and become a celebrity.

Dare we say it? Don’t try this one at home!

Zairmail (www.zairmail.com) is the fastest and easiest way to send (real) postal mail. Give us a call anytime at 888.898.0066, we would be happy to help with your direct mail needs.

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Mail

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Mail
(or those who use it)

Elspeth Douglas McClelland (1879–1920) was an architect and a member of the Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) also known as the Women’s Suffrage Movement. In the late 1800’s women did not have the right to vote in countries like the United Kingdom and the United States. The goal of the Suffrage Movement was to win the right to vote for woman using peaceful, and at times, even violent means.

Elspeth is most notorious for her creative efforts to grab attention during Suffrage. In 1909, after unsuccessfully trying to schedule a meeting with the Prime Minister of England, Elspeth, and fellow activist Daisy Solomon, mailed themselves to him. The postal service guidelines had been severely eased to allow people to be “mailed” by express courier. Elspeth and her companion leveraged these new rules to secure a covert audience with the Prime Minister.

Elspeth and Daisy were addressed to “The Right Hon H. H. Asquith, 10 Downing Street, SW” (London). The stamp for this journey cost only 3 cents at the time. A.S. Palmer, a postal boy, transferred the pair to Downing Street, where on-duty police officers permitted them through to number 10. However, a government official arrived and protested the delivery. The official told the delivery boy that the pair cannot be presented and must be returned to sender – “these are dead letters”.

Elspeth and Daisy were taken back to the office of the Women’s Social and Political Union. The delivery arrived at the office of the Prime Minister as planned and the public relations stunt won even greater attention for their cause. An image of this eventful day is in the British museum and the Prime Minister is said to have been “amused” by the occasion.

Based on the efforts of activists like Elspeth, woman made steady progress and won the right to vote in the British colony of New Zealand in 1893. Australia granted this right to non-Aboriginal woman in 1902. Voting rights were extended to woman in most western powers after the First World War. In particular, Canada (1917), Britain and Germany (1918), Austria, the Netherlands (1919) and the United States (1920). It is hard to imagine, but the mail also had a role in this process.

On Thanksgiving we want to say thank you to ALL who have fought so hard for the rights and liberties that we all enjoy today!

Daisy Solomon and Elspeth McClelland with a post boy, police and an
official outside 10 Downing Street, attempting to get themselves delivered as letters

Zairmail (www.zairmail.com) is the fastest and easiest way to send (real) postal mail. Give us a call anytime at 888.898.0066, we would be happy to help with your direct mail needs.

What Does Thanksgiving Teach Us About Business?

What Does Thanksgiving Teach Us About Business?

It’s not often we stop to think about what a celebration like Thanksgiving actually teaches us. Rather, it’s something that businesses will jump on for their promotional messaging. The problem with this is… it often comes off as a bit flat. Holidays and celebratory days come around every year, and every year organizations will come up with methods and offers, simply because it’s a ‘special day’ and they feel obligated to do the same as everyone else. But consider this… if your business didn’t learn anything last year, what do you expect to gain this year? Here are four things Thanksgiving taught us.

Saying Thank you and Being Thankful are Two Different Things

It’s so important to stay connected with customers, build relationships, and reach out during special times like Thanksgiving… but you already know that. Have you ever opened a ‘Happy Thanksgiving’ email or seen a blanket Thanksgiving message on social media from a brand you follow? The chances are you probably have, but did that message evoke any emotion? Did it stand out from other Thanksgiving wishes?

Probably not!

What are you truly thankful for this year from a business perspective? Be specific. Maybe it’s a wonderful new employee who has completely transformed your organizational culture and motivation. Maybe it’s one special customer who was so grateful for your service they brought in flowers and made your week. If you’re a charity, maybe you received an unexpected donation that allowed you to change lives in a new way. These are real things that have happened, and they are heartfelt (authentic). These are the things your customers would love to read as you share why you’re thankful this year.

Making a Difference… is the Difference

Thanksgiving is about sharing, so it’s the best time of year for your company to do something without profit in mind. If you’ve gone the entire year without giving back as an organization, without working with a charity, rewarding your loyal customers, or taking the time to benefit a cause bigger than you, now is the time.

If the last couple of years have taught us anything, it’s that these are the important things. Brands that are aligned with causes are winning right now, because being kind, giving and sharing, matter more to people than nice packaging and a well-designed website. The companies that know this are already making a difference in the lives of other people while simultaneously gaining long-term customer loyalty.

Your Employees are Your Life Blood

Build a team of dedicated employees and business partners who are passionate about customer success. Work together to devise strategies that find, delight, and retain fiercely loyal customers. This type of mindset, when authentic, can create a snowball that continues to build on itself. It also starts with caring – caring about each other, caring about our clients, and caring about successful customer outcomes. What better time than Thanksgiving to show we care?

It’s a Time to Reflect

This time of year is ideal for reflecting on the previous twelve months and looking at what worked and what didn’t in an informal way, before leading on to a more formal strategic plan for the new year. When we say a less formal way, we’re talking about something similar to gratitude journaling. Gratitude journaling is the process of creating a short list of items that we are grateful for. There are those who do a gratitude journal every day. We don’t need to go to that extreme, but it is good to take stock periodically.

When we exercise gratitude, it’s easier to accept the challenges ahead and acknowledge the problems that might have occurred. Gratitude often leads to optimism and positive thinking, which are so important for innovation and creativity. Without that, it becomes challenging to brainstorm for new strategies or overcome hurdles. Take some time to stop and reflect before mapping out plans for the future.

Business is of course business, but at the heart of that, we are all still people. That means that emotions can come into play – especially at this time of year. It can be difficult for a brand to show its “human” side without feeling exposed. To some, this may seem unprofessional; yet it is this vulnerability that creates the potential for emotional connection with the brand. Thanksgiving teaches us that these seemingly insignificant things, working together, all matter – a LOT.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Zairmail (www.zairmail.com) is the fastest and easiest way to send (real) postal mail. Give us a call anytime at 888.898.0066, we would be happy to help with your direct mail needs.

Happy Veterans Day

Happy Veterans Day From Friends At Zairmail

Zairmail Salutes the Brave Men and Woman Who Have Served Our Country

Veterans Day started out as Armistice Day on November 1, 1919. The holiday celebrated the first anniversary of the end of World War I – the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month, of 1918. Armistice Day became an official national holiday in 1926 and was renamed Veteran’s Day by Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1954. Unlike Memorial Day, Veterans Day pays tribute to all those who serve or have served in the armed forces of the United States.

The men and woman of our military serve to keep us free and protect our way of life. They come from all walks of life. They come together for a shared purpose. They are parents, children, grandparents, friends, neighbors, and co-workers – you cross paths with veterans every single day.

We are all forever in their debt.

Reach out to someone who has served and say thanks.

Veterans take 10% off regularly priced direct mail orders through Sunday November 14. Use promo code SERVE.

Thank you for all you have done to help keep us safe!

Back to the Future (Price Decrease)

The cost of First-Class postage was $.03 at the end of World War I (Armistice Day). The price went down to $.02 after the war, a price point that lasted through 1932. In contrast, the USPS raised the cost of a First-Class stamp to $.58 in August – the second increase this year.

You can count on Zairmail to do our part to battle inflation for you. We work hard to maximize your savings based on both economies of scale and postal discounts – while still providing the fastest and easiest way to send mail.

Zairmail is rolling back the price of jumbo postcards. Upgrade from a standard postcard to a jumbo postcard for just a nickel more. Talk about a blast from the past – what else can you do with a nickel these days?

We are always here to help. Just let us know how we can best serve you.

Zairmail (www.zairmail.com) is the fastest and easiest way to send (real) postal mail. Give us a call anytime at 888.898.0066, we would be happy to help with your direct mail needs.

Happy Halloween From Your Friends At Zairmail

The stores are chocked full of scary costumes and treats. It seems to start a little earlier every year. Still, it comes not a moment too soon, Americans are more than ready for some fun social events with family and friends. We have seen 18 months of pandemic-driven mask mandates, stay at home orders, and political turmoil. The entire country is ready for some holiday fun.


We can take a clue from the consumer goods folks on this front. It is never too soon to plan for the holidays and get your holiday greetings in the hands of those who matter most to you and your business. We need to stay “top of mind” and be part of the glow.

Just in time for the holidays, the US Postal Service has extended the (discounted) postcard rate to jumbo postcards (5.5 x 8.5 and 6 x 9). That means that you can super-size your greeting for just a small amount more. Talk about a holiday treat! This one is super sweet!


You can also drop your holiday postcard in an envelope to get a high-end holiday card effect. Postcards in envelopes do not qualify for the postcard rate, but they still cost a tiny fraction of what traditional cards in the store run. They also have a personal and tactile feel that an email greeting cannot match.


Zairmail can also send more traditional greeting cards too. Come up with your own personalized holiday design and Zairmail will print and mail it for you. You can even personalize your envelope with a holiday stamp, a handwritten font, and a personal message on the outside.


Still not enough? We have one client who includes magnets for the fridge in her cards. These special greetings have a central place in the kitchen for months or even years.

Of course, since you are using Zairmail, the process will be faster, easier, and less expensive!

Let us help you ward off the evil spirits and spread the holiday cheer!


Zairmail (www.zairmail.com) is the fastest and easiest way to send (real) postal mail. Give us a call anytime at 888.898.0066, we would be happy to help with your direct mail needs.



About the Author

Wilson Zehr is a Direct Mail Industry Expert, Direct Marketing Specialist, and CEO of Cendix (www.cendix.com), the leading provider of Web-to-print solutions that increase sales both online and offline. He is also the founder of Zairmail (www.zairmail.com), the company responsible for many "industry firsts" in direct mail.


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